Licensure & Ordination Study Guide
Are you preparing for ordination? LAMP Seminary offers an incredible resource to assist candidates in preparing for their Licensure or Ordination exam. This study guide contains questions, answers, outlines and Scripture proofs in the areas of Bible Content, Theology, Church History, the Sacraments and Church Government and Discipline.
*This study guide is a physical product. Please allow 3-5 days for shipping.

Communicants Handbook
This twelve-lesson handbook is intended to assist leaders in guiding covenant children as they make the transition from “non-communing members” to “communing members” in the church. The transition from being a “non-communing member” to becoming a “communing member” is an important step in a child’s life. Church leadership, parents, and the child should make a deliberate effort to understand what it means to be a follower of Christ and a functional member of the local church.
The Cost of the book is $10 plus shipping.

Book of Church Order Webinar Replay
The Book of Church Order, commonly referred to as the BOCO, is often confusing and difficult to apply into everyday church and presbytery operations and as a candidate for licensure or ordination is often an are of weakness during exams.

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