LAMP does not have one main campus, but rather we have several Learning Sites throught US. LAMP desires to help churches train men and women for the ministry of the gospel ministry. We can help you investigate if your Church can become a Learning Site. There are two types of Learning Sites: Church based and Regional.
A Learning Site Application can be downloaded from Learning Site Forms link. You can also contact a LAMP Representative by email admin@lampseminary.org or by telephone: (954) 816-5813.
Church Based Learning Site is a local church committed to training men and women for effective gospel ministry both within the local congregation and/or through the planting of new churches in its geographic area of influence. (Local Leadership Development Team for a church based Learning Site shall consist of the elders of that particular church)
Regional Learning Site: is a network of churches committed to training men and women for effective gospel ministry both within their respective local congregations and/or through the planting of new churches in their geographic areas of influence. (Local Leadership Development Team for the regional site shall consist of designated pastors and church leaders in that particular region)
Regional Learning Site must choose one Coordinator for communications between the local site and LAMP headquarter.
- Listing of Local Leadership Launch Team
- Identifying of the Learning Site Coordinator
- Listing of Potential Learning Facilitators
- Listing of Potential Learning Mentors
- Listing of Potential Trainees
- Strategic Plan for Local Church Ministry Development: Local Leadership Development Team should submit a strategic plan for the Learning Site.
- Embracing of the LAMP Program: all the members of the Local Development Team, Coordinator, Facilitators, Mentors and Ministry Supervisors need be in agreement with the LAMP Program, Curriculum, Core Values and Learning Outcomes as described in the catalog.
- LAMP does not require a site visit to launch a Learning Site. Nonetheless, a site visit may be requested. Site visits are at the cost and expense of the local leadership launch team. Cost is $200 per day plus travel costs and expenses.
- The application must be accompanied by the strategy plan and application fee
Fees: Learning Site Application Fee: $500 (one time, non refundable)
Academic Advisor
The local Academic Advisor is a Teaching Elder at the Virtual Student’s local church who will maintain a relationship with the student and give his approval for the Virtual Student by inquiring about the student’s life, marriage, and family as well as his academic progress and his preparation for the Gospel ministry.
Doctrinal Qualifications
All Academic Advisors must sincerely believe the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. Among other equally biblical truths, we believe and maintain the following:
- The organic divine inspiration of the Scriptures in the original languages, their consequent inerrancy and infallibility, and, as the Word of God, the supreme and final authority in faith and life;
- The Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit;
- The essential, absolute, eternal deity, and the real and proper, but sinless, humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ;
- His birth of the Virgin Mary;
- His substitutionary, expiatory death, in that He gave His life “a ransom for many”;
- His resurrection from among the dead in the same body in which He was crucified, and the second coming of this same Jesus in power and great glory;
- The total depravity of man through the Fall;
- Salvation, the effect of regeneration by the Spirit and the Word, not by works, but by grace through faith;
- The everlasting bliss of the saved, and the everlasting suffering of the lost;
- The real spiritual unity in Christ of all redeemed by His precious blood;
- The necessity of maintaining, according to the Word of God, the purity of the Church in doctrine and life.
In addition, Academic Advisors are to agree with the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms as containing the system of doctrine taught in Scripture
Ecclesiastical Qualifications
Every Academic Advisor is to be actively engaged in the work of the visible church. He is to be a member and under the discipline of a church or presbytery. He is regularly to attend the stated services of worship. His church is to be in full accord with the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith.
Spiritual Qualifications
Every Academic Advisor must profess faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God and his Savior and Lord. It is expected that they will be exemplary in their personal faith and conduct. This includes a consistent testimony personally, at home, at church, at work, and in society at large. Their lives are to be marked by daily Bible reading and prayer, and active attendance and service in the church. They are to cultivate the Christian virtues, as God enables. They must be free from practices or habits which are harmful or damaging to his Christian testimony. Since they will be training future ministers of the gospel, their life is to be such that students can observe as an example of a useful Christian minister.
Duties Include
a) Maintain an ongoing dialog with the Virtual Student through inquiring about the student’s life, marriage, and family as well as his academic progress and his preparation for the Gospel ministry.
b) Approval of the Virtual Student’s enrollment in a VCP course.
c) Submitting an annual Academic Advisor Survey of the Virtual Student’s progress and development.