Virtual Cohort Program Information
Even though establishing Learning Sites in local churches is LAMP’s preferred model, some churches are
not equipped to host a Learning Site for a variety of reasons. For those situations LAMP has developed
the Virtual Cohort Program (VCP). The VCP gives a student the opportunity to take courses through a virtual forum via Zoom.
Virtual Students must go through the normal student application process but instead of a Site Coordinator the Virtual Student will have a local Academic Advisor. The local Academic Advisor is normally a Teaching Elder at the student’s local church who will maintain a relationship with the student and give his approval for the Virtual Student to register for a VCP course. The relationship between the Virtual Student and the local Academic Advisor will maintain the local church connection, which LAMP Seminary holds in high value.
After completing the application process the Virtual Student can register for a VCP course. Upon VCP
course registration the Virtual Student becomes a member of the Learning Site hosting the VCP course.
The Virtual Student must follow the assignment schedule and participate in the Dialog Sessions via Zoom on the designated day and time set by the Course Host. The VCP Course Host will grade all
assignments, summary papers, final exam/projects, and report final grades to LAMP Headquarters.
Upcoming Course Offerings!
Hosting a VCP Course
Any LAMP learning site can host a VCP Course. Just notify LAMP Headquarters at least one month in advance of launching a course by clicking on the Host a VCP Course button below. LAMP Headquarters will market the course offering to LAMP students and Learning Sites across the country. LAMP Headquarters will communicate with the Host Site about the VCP students who have registered for the course. The Host Site will facilitate the course as usual and provide LAMP Headquarters the final grades
Registration for a VCP Course
Any LAMP Student can register to take a VCP course by clicking on the VCP Student Course Registration Form Button Below: